Thursday 18 April 2013

Lost in Internet Land

I am currently on day 2 of being sick and going a tad stir crazy , I am really not used to having any sort of extended time off ( outside of the 1 or 2 days off at a time ) and even those drive me batty , I am not sure how I am going to weather my vacation .
Today , I really wanted to update my blog and add some stuff and in order to do that I had to find something with a number on it to update my profile so this turned into me deciding to clean my closet , I then dumped all contents on my bed and while going through a box I found ear phones for my phone , so I was like " MUST TRY THESE OUT "  so then I called up a friend and did that for an hour and still had piles of binders and paper and text books scattered on my bed , after my closet was all sorted again , I still hadn't found what I was looking for so I proceeded to tare apart my book case finally finding what I was looking for FINALLY only to find out that it didn't have on it the number I needed .
So I gave up on that all together , I then decided to sit down and budget my upcoming vacation and blog , well that was 3 hrs ago and I finally am sitting down and typing this out , why do you ask did it take me 3 hours to write a blog , well my friends I got lost in the lovely land of the inter-web, to be more exact YouTube .

We all have been there before , we log onto study or plan or write a paper and get distracted doing everything but .
Where it be YouTube , Pintrest or even Blogger . choose your poison because I am sure you like me could get lost for hours doing everything but what you set out to do .
Today it started off with the Harlem Shake  vs Gagnam Style , then proceeded to more Harlem Shaking and that morphed into Epic Rap Battles of History and from there I ended up on Jenna Marbles and then poof 3hrs of my life gone and this isn't  even the first time when I was in school I literally had to keep myself away from the computer during crunch time or I'd waste copious hours on Facebook just stalking peoples pages .
I wrote awhile ago about the difference between now and when I was growing up and how stark the contrast is , and its so true we now have all this technology and some of it truly is wonderful and a blessing and on the other hand it is also a curse , we spend so much time " Lost in Internet Land " or  just technology itself , with smart phones and being able to connect to almost anything right there in your hand , it seems we are loosing touch with reality a tad and I am guilty .
This morning my cousin and I were talking and I got a text and ignored her for the few minutes it took me to answer that text , it wasn't on purpose but it happens and more then most people realize .
Have you ever been hanging with your friends , whether it be at dinner or just as a group and they seem to be more invested in there phones , then you or the group ?? I am can admit I am a guilty of this .
There is a new game that has surfaced and is making its rounds on social media and I have played it a few times and want to challenge you to play with your friends as well  , its called the phone stacking game and here is how it works .
( The example I am going to use is , if you are out to dinner with friends but you can adjust the rules to apply to yourself )

 Before you order your food have everyone stack there phones face down in the center of the table , and start the game there is only one rule , the first person to check there phone before the meal is over has to pay for everyone else's dinner :) its a super fun game and it makes for actual quality time together verses everyone playing on there phones .

Katelyn XOXO

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