Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Unattractive Cry

Do you ever have those days where no matter how hard you try and smile and pretend like everything is hunky dory ....its really not and then you end up laying in bed and sobbing like a child and listening to all time low or a day to remember , I am pretty sure I am not alone in this every girl has this moment and then when its all said and done you get up with mascara running all up over your face and snot dripping from your nose and maybe even a little bit of bed head , also I am sure I am not the only one that looks like a hot mess after an emoition bender this my friends is the Unattractive cry .... 

Now most girls will tell you that movies lie ... all the time disney makes love look so amazing and whimsicle ( probably not how you spell that lol ) and then there's the notebook and a whole host of other movies that make love seem lovely but lets be frank more often then not we girls get our hearts a little broken by these cute boys who toy with our hearts and then we cry and eat ice cream and listen to sad songs or watch sad movies , and in these movies sometimes girls get there hearts broken and the charactor crys ... it usually looks like this .

she's all heart broken and teary .... this is a lie .. when I cry I do not look pretty well at least not all the time , this my friends is something I wish I could look like when I cried .
more often then not I look like this or

I mean I am not as glamours but you get the idea ...
my point to this rant is sometimes in soicety we are made to feel like crying is a form or sign of weakness but sometimes its ok to cry and actually warented ... and lets not hide these facts lets embrace them snot bubbles in all  .
now I am aware that this prob won't happen but it was worth a shot ...so in the fairness of my rant I will say this ..

 and it was neither graceful pretty or beautiful it was a straight up cry and I felt so much better after today I realized that after a year of my life spent working hard to let someone into my life and trust with everything I had that , that person really didn't deserve my love or warrent my time anymore ... it hurts sure right now but I know in the end it will hurt alot less someone told me today
"Well all I would say is be careful with your heart, its a precious thing that no one should take advantage of "
he was right and that's something hard to understand as woman we sometimes fall hard and just throw caution to the wind and give all we have and sometimes when that perosn doesn't do the same it hurts more than we will ever really show ...
but someday somehow there will be  a prince that will love us for who we are flaws bumps scars and bruises all of it :) and thats the best part of life that movies sometimes fudge up a little sometimes we gotta kiss alot of frogs to find our own true frog

XOXO Katelyn

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