Tuesday 9 April 2013

Need for ......SLEEP

This morning I woke up like I always do , my body is so used to being up at 6 am that I wake up at 545 no matter what , and then there are those impossibly annoying times when my bladder wakes me up at 5 literally screaming at me PEE ,  and for the next hour I lay there fighting with myself to not get up and just hold it for another hour , Please tell me I am not the only one like this ?

I remember being a kid and saying " all I want to do is grow up and be an adult and have freedom "  my mom always warned me that being an adult is not all its cracked up to be ... well mom you are correct its not , I find I am  more chained down to responsibilities then I  was as a child , I have a job and bills to pay , groceries to buy and then on top of it I now have to make my own dinner , this is a sad truth to admit but sometimes I am so exhausted after work that I eat crackers for dinner and call it a night , I have become one of those people I used to look at in my teens and go EEEEEWWWWWW  I  will never be her .

Well I am her , and I am not ashamed to admit that after work and the gym you can usually find me in my jammies curled up on the couch drinking my tea and watching some horribly addicting television series or reading a book , this to me is glamour , this to me is having a life .
My job tends to be on the more stressful and physically and emotionally draining jobs , I heard long term care and palliative care once described as the last stop on the life train and truly it is , I got into nursing because I love people and I like to help and have this maternal nature that I just need to take care of everyone and everything and so to me Nursing fit like a glove , and I won't lie sometimes I look at my choice and go WHAT THE HECK WHERE YOU THINKING ?  but most of the time I remember that after the long days and dealing with verbal and sometimes physical abuse and all the other things that come along with a job in the health care industry, I put a smile on someone's face and my own .
Now you are probably wonder what all this has to do with my title ....
Well , if you are like me I tend to do everything but sleep when I have to , whether it be clean or read or sometimes getting lost in the pintrest world until 3 am and then trying desperately to get to sleep before my alarm , its like a never ending game of sleep tag and I never win .
I always sit at work right before the end of my shift and go, Ok I am going to go home have a shower and then take a nap , and then its like real life smacks me in the face as soon as I walk in the door , The dog needs to go out and the house needs cleaning and I need to cook dinner and pack a lunch and still fit the gym in there somewhere and then there is little things like errands that get caught up in the mix and then I look at the clock and its ten at night ., and if you are like me at all I can't just climb into bed and just sleep  ( I always threaten I will just crawl into bed in my clothes , but its just a lie ) I have to get my jammies on brush and floss my teeth and wash my face put lotion on , then I need to pray and get settled into bed , I usually try and read some scriptures before sleep and then I have to let my brain turn off so this itself takes another  hour or so , and then there is the time it takes to fall asleep which is a job in itself .
In all reality I think sleep is something we can almost always  short change ourselves on , we try and cram as much stuff into our days as humanly possible and forgot just how important it truly is to sleep .
For me sleep is a time to recharge and give my body a much needed break  , but as you can tell I tend to forgot that I need to sleep to function as silly as it sounds , its also something that you can't play catch up with , if you miss 5 or 6 hours of sleep you can't add 5 or 6 hours on the next night and call it even , my doctor always told me that sleep was a necessary evil , and that to live a long life it is important to eat well , stay active , drinks lots of water and SLEEP :)
So hopefully this has inspired you to go and grab your jammies and crawl into bed and sleep cause lets face it  YOU DESERVE IT !!!! ( and life with still be just as busy tomorrow )

XOXO Katelyn

“I've always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.”
― David Benioff, City of Thieves


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